Olfeo SAAS Security

Security Service Edge made easy

Why choose an ESS?
An increase in the success rate of attacks
  • Increased attack surfaces

  • Professionalization of cybercriminals & lack of resources

  • Difficulty recruiting cyber specialists

  • Complexity of maintaining cyber defense tools

  • 43 000

    attacks on french companies in 2022

  • 3.9 million

    average cost of an impacting attack in France

  • 450 000

    new malware is created every day


Secure your business with Olfeo SSE Security

Olfeo SSE Security is the first European SSE to offer the highest level of security for your web traffic, while being simple and easy to operate.

By combining web security gateway functions, access management, shadow IT detection and data leakage protection, Olfeo SSE effectively protects your employees' web access and browsing against cyber attacks and phishing attempts.


A complete solution


Secure your access with the Web Security Platform (SWG)

  • Web filtering: Malware protection and filtering of illegal content
  • Proxy: Centralization of flows for security and event logging
  • TLS / SSL decryption: traffic inspection and finer-grained subdomain filtering
  • Antivirus: Content analysis to identify malicious code

Frictionless deployment and operation

  • Installation in less than an hour by connecting your company directory
  • Rapid, scalable agent deployment with mass deployment tool
  • The dashboard provides a consolidated view of the web risks avoided by your employees' browsing activities.

Our cloud-native solution enables operation in operational condition

  • Olfeo Saas takes care of operation in operational condition
  • It offers the highest level of availability: 99.99%.
  • Olfeo Saas allows you to manage flows in fine detail and to define precisely, by exception, the flows that you do not wish to send to the gateway.

Guarantee your legal compliance

  • Enabling compliance with legal obligations as an Internet service provider: retention of nominative logs, etc;
  • By blocking access to illegal content: terrorism, child pornography, drugs, ... ;
  • Ensuring that the solution is deployed in compliance with labour law by distributing the Internet charter;
  • By complying only with the RGPD, which is not the case with American solutions that are subject to the Cloud Act even if the hosting is domiciled in Europe.

A sensitive component of your cyber strategy

  • The confidentiality of our customers' data and secrets is strategic.

    Until a few years ago, confidential or sensitive data was physically stored in corporate data centers. The rapid development of SaaS business applications has led to the IS being extended to external servers.

    A great deal of sensitive data is transferred to the outside world: customer files, contracts, research projects, industrial secrets, employee information, financial data, etc.

    A SaaS security gateway occupies a special place in the chain of trust, as it intercepts and accesses all this confidential data. Choose a sovereign, independent vendor.

    As a European company, Olfeo is not subject to US intelligence and telecommunications laws.


Trust-centric web security, simple and effective


These people put their trust in us

  • "We absolutely wanted a solution that was remote from the firewall. We chose Olfeo because we wanted a dedicated proxy solution whose core business was filtering. In UTMs, filtering is an option. [...] " 

  • "Olfeo was able to provide a response that went beyond the needs initially expressed".

  • "Olfeo is a legitimate European filtering solution, not just a French one. Olfeo has all the legitimacy as a filtering solution at the European level and not just in France. [ ...]Olfeo is very practical when we're wondering what's going on on the Internet, as the reporting section enables us to precisely analyze all traffic, particularly in terms of abnormal usage."

Olfeo brochure
Olfeo SaaS brochure
3 minutes