Published November 15, 2023

Table of theme/category equivalents and category set IDs for the French database. This table includes URLs for testing your category and theme filtering policies in an explicit proxy integration.

You want to set up statistics reports on your users' surfing through the Olfeo webadmin. However, reports and log extractions use identifiers (IDs) instead of the category headings you regularly use.

Here is the table of theme/category equivalents and category set IDs for the French database. In this way you can link a heading to its ID used in statistics reports and log extractions.

In the last column, you will also find test URLs that will allow you to test your filtering policies in an explicit proxy integration:

ID Theme ID Category Example
1 Criminal risk 1218 Alcohol and Tobacco Condemned by French Law testid1218.olfeo
1203 Physical and moral injury testid1203.olfeo
4 Counterfeiting testid4.olfeo
1204 Illegal immigration and illegal work testid1204.olfeo
6 Gambling and Casinos Condemned by French Law testid6.olfeo
8 Pirated Music, Movies, Software testid8.olfeo
9 Peer to Peer testid9.olfeo
1 Pornography condemned by French law testid1.olfeo
5 Drug Promotion and Sales testid5.olfeo
1201 Racism, Discrimination, Revisionism testid1201.olfeo
1200 Terrorism, Incitement to Violence, Explosives and Poisons testid1200.olfeo
1202 Sale of Arms Condemned by French Law testid1202.olfeo
1219 Drug Sales Condemned by French Law testid1219.olfeo
2 Safety risk 1236 Covers testid1236.olfeo
1221 Parked areas testid1221.olfeo
10 Proxies, Redirectors testid10.olfeo
1232 URL reducers testid1232.olfeo
60 Viruses, Spyware, Phishing, Malicious code testid60.olfeo
3 Adult content 1231 Alcohol and tobacco testid1231.olfeo
1205 Guns, Hunting, Safety Equipment testid1205.olfeo
1206 Aggressive, Tasteless Content testid1206.olfeo
1229 Gambling, Micropayment, Lotteries testid1229.olfeo
1217 Lingerie, Swimwear testid1217.olfeo
21 Nudity testid21.olfeo
1227 Meetings testid1227.olfeo
2 Sex, Pornography testid2.olfeo
1223 Sexuality testid1223.olfeo
4 Privacy 1210 Blog testid1210.olfeo
1211 Cat testid1211.olfeo
1212 Forum, Wiki testid1212.olfeo
17 Web Hosting, ISP testid17.olfeo
41 Personal pages testid41.olfeo
1228 Social Networks testid1228.olfeo
16 Webmail testid16.olfeo
5 Bandwidth 11 Audio and Video testid11.olfeo
14 Paid Navigation testid14.olfeo
1234 Remote Control, Online Collaboration Tools testid1234.olfeo
18 Advertising testid18.olfeo
1226 Statistics servers testid1226.olfeo
1207 Video Sharing Sites testid1207.olfeo
1224 Online Data Storage testid1224.olfeo
12 File Download testid12.olfeo
13 Internet telephony, VoIP testid13.olfeo
28 Television, Radio testid28.olfeo
6 Entertainment and Society 38 Arts & Culture testid38.olfeo
25 Cinema testid25.olfeo
52 E-Commerce testid52.olfeo
31 Humor testid31.olfeo
59 Information Technology testid59.olfeo
1215 Video Games, Online Games testid1215.olfeo
26 Games, Toys testid26.olfeo
32 Leisure, Hobbies, Passions testid32.olfeo
35 Fashion, Beauty, Well-being, Decoration testid35.olfeo
51 Media, News testid51.olfeo
27 Weather testid27.olfeo
47 Political and social organizations testid47.olfeo
1216 People testid1216.olfeo
22 Photography, Image Databases testid22.olfeo
61 Non-Traditional Religions, Occult, Sects testid61.olfeo
7 Traditional religions testid7.olfeo
34 Outings, Evenings, Concerts testid34.olfeo
24 Sports testid24.olfeo
40 Company topics testid40.olfeo
37 Tourism, Hotels, Restaurants testid37.olfeo
30 Cell phones, Logos, Ringtones testid30.olfeo
23 Cars, Mechanics testid23.olfeo
7 Education 1209 Childhood testid1209.olfeo
49 Teaching testid49.olfeo
36 Science, Research testid36.olfeo
8 Personal Services 46 Banks, Insurance, Caisses testid46.olfeo
42 Recruitment, Interim testid42.olfeo
1208 Online Auctions testid1208.olfeo
33 Real estate testid33.olfeo
44 Investment, Stock market, Placement testid44.olfeo
45 Classifieds testid45.olfeo
58 General Portals and Search Engines testid58.olfeo
50 Health testid50.olfeo
53 Personal Services testid53.olfeo
9 Business Services 54 Administrations testid54.olfeo
39 Works Councils testid39.olfeo
1233 Corporate Communication testid1233.olfeo
43 Employment law testid43.olfeo
48 Law, Taxation testid48.olfeo
1213 Forum, Professional Wiki testid1213.olfeo
1230 Guides, Plans, Road conditions testid1230.olfeo
1000 Business Services testid1000.olfeo
1022 Internal Site testid1022.olfeo
1222 Translators testid1222.olfeo
99 Other 1235 CDN and Non-Definable testid1235.olfeo
1006 Site Unavailable testid1006.olfeo
1021 Restricted Access Site testid1021.olfeo