KB 2626: Unknown users in statistics

Published December 20, 2023

Users are not recognized in real-time statistics. There are no identifiers displayed or the identifier is preceded by 'Unknown user'.


Users are not recognized in real-time statistics. There are no logins displayed or the login is preceded by 'Unknown user'.


Here's a list of elements that can affect user authentication:

  1. User directory
  2. Authentication mode in Settings > HTTP Proxy > Authentication (or Proxy Cache QoS > HTTP > Authentication)
  3. The proxy application method on client workstations
  4. Third-party equipment that does not return user information.

User directory not correctly synchronized

  • Check that the user is synchronized in the directory, by looking in Administration > Users > Directories.
  • Try re-synchronizing the directory in Settings > Authentication > the directory of your choice > Synchronize groups, then Synchronize users.

Authentication mode

Check that an authentication mode is in place in Settings > HTTP Proxy > Authentication (or Proxy Cache QoS > HTTP > Authentication). (Example: NTLM, Kerberos, Basic).

If necessary, set up an authentication mode so that users can be recognized.

Proxy application method on client workstations

  • Check that the client workstation passes through the proxy using either a .pac proxy or an explicit or transparent proxy.
  • Check that your GPO applies the desired proxy settings to Internet Explorer.

Olfeo third-party equipment does not return user information

Check the configuration of your third-party equipment to see if it sends user information.